Gut Microbiota

An imbalance of the gut microbiota has been linked to various diseases, from gut & mood disorders to autoimmune problems. Still, there are a lot of ongoing studies on these. Learn how balancing microbiota can put you in better control of your body.

Why is microbiota important

The success or failure of your bowel movements is largely dependent on your microbiota colony. More than this, microbiota are essential to nutrient absorption, pathogenic immunity and healthy brain behavior.

What is intestinal flora?

Intestinal flora, or gut flora, are the same as microbiota and include all bacteria, archaea and fungi that live within the digestive tract.

How are they related to good health?

Gut disorder occurs when various daily triggers affect the numbers of microbiota, or intestinal flora, present in the intestines. A balance in microbiota means less susceptibility to gut-related illness, both short-term and long-term.

Different gut disorders stemming from imbalanced microbiota

We all experience gut disorders from time to time. Learn how to identify the different symptoms — are any familiar to you?

Gut Disorders in Adults

Gut Disorders in Children


How can Bacillus clausii help you solve your gut problems?

Bacillus clausii is a type of spore-forming good bacteria that works to rebalance the intestine. When consumed regularly (or as advised by a HCP), it can help to treat and prevent different conditions associated to gut disorder.


Our Product

Erceflora® Kiddie will scan the gut for intestinal flora imbalance, and deliver billions of good bacteria that helps treat both the condition and associated symptoms.

Stay Informed

Learn how different daily triggers could be contributing to intestinal disorders, and how a good probiotic could be the ally you never knew you needed!